Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fine dining on the ferry

So, I am on the ferry from Vancouver to Victoria, and I have to say that the ferry has one of the better breakfast buffets I have had.  Cinnamon roll french toast, those funky looking dumpling-like things in the picture, fresh fruit with organic yogourt, smoked salmon... Since I had to leave Brian's house at 540 to catch the ferry, I had planned on eating on the ferry. I got out of my car and went up the stairs and saw a line and immediately rushed for a spot in it (if people are lining up, it must be something good.. Right?)  I thought it was the line for the crappy cafeteria food that I had all of the other times I rode the ferry... Wow was I happy to see the buffet!

Last night I thought that I had lit 17.50 on fire when I made a reservation for the ferry.  I made a reservation last night because the last time I went over, I was the 3rd last car to make it onto the ferry.  A little too close for comfort. After paying the money, I was a little choked since you have to arrive at least 30 mins before the ferry leaves in order to claim your reservation.  I was thinking that if one were to arrive that early, there would be no need for a reservation because you would be near the front of the line!  Man was I wrong....Turns out it was a good idea as the ferry line was full long before I arrived. I would have had to wait for the next one today even though I was there at 620 for the 700 ferry!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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