Wednesday, February 17, 2010

recovery ride before the climb

Today was a pretty easy recovery ride, just over 2 hours on pretty flat terrain.  My legs were still a little fatigued from the 5+ hours yesterday, so the rest was welcome.


Tonight we are having some sort of a photo shoot for all CCA athletes that are at the camp.  This means that the CCA will stop using that terrible photo that they took of me almost 4 years ago!  I am pretty excited about that because I really hate the photo that they have been posting on web sites and using for accreditation at events...


Staying at the new place that is closer to the CCA hotel has really made a difference in allowing me to rest and recover after training.  Today I was finally able to get in for a much needed massage.  My shoulders and legs were a total mess from going the first 10 days of training without any massage.



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