Saturday, September 16, 2006

Shoot me now and put me out of my misery...

Well, the time trial (also known as both mine and Brian’s strongest event) was a total flop. I will take this one on my shoulders. I have been hacking and coughing for the last couple of days and despite my efforts to take in vitamin C and get lots of rest I think that it played a large role in today’s 10th of 39 result. Although 10th is a respectable result (the best since 98 I think) I know that we could have made the podium. The program that was laid out by our coach was a perfect taper for this event, my legs felt amazing today! I had lots of power and spring in my step, but my lungs really held me back. After finishing the race, I thought that it went well because my lungs were burning and I felt like I was going to throw up (if you feel like you had something left at the end then you didn’t go hard enough). However, once we spun out for a couple more minutes and got off of the bike, I knew that something was wrong. My legs still felt fresh. Throughout the race, I felt like we should be going faster, but my heart rate was pinned around 192 beats per minute for nearly the whole race (this is pretty typical for me in a short time trial such as this one).

So, I think that I am going to drown my sorrows in vitamin C, cry myself to sleep tonight, and hope that I feel better for the road race.

For those who are curious, we were still the top Canadian team in the race… but not by as much as it should have been (Steph and PO were 12th and Gene and Craig were 17th)

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