Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The tub is in!
Friday, December 10, 2010
The solution to my keyboard problem
Thursday, December 09, 2010
My computer is a really expensive heating pad
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
An amusing summary of French military history
So, while we were in class today we somehow diverged onto the topic of French military history (don’t ask how) and one of the guys quoted something from a site that he had seen that amounted to “France’s armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman” ... LOL ... I don’t think that my bride will find it very amusing, but if you want a funny read:
psychological operations course
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Great army accommodations...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
100 trillion dollar bill
Saturday, November 13, 2010
70.3 done!
I am a little disappointed that I can't hang around for the dinner or hang around the expo... I had to grab my stuff right after the race and stay packing to leave tonight.
Off to kingston in just a couple hours for the residence portion of the PSYOPS officer course!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
70.3 preparations
Our prep for the 70.3 world championships on Saturday is going well so far. We are in a hotel that is walking distance from the start line, we checked in and got our race packages today and took a walk through the expo.
Yesterday I marked up a map with the directions to ride the race course ahead of time so that we would know what to expect for turns, hills (not many at all) and condition of the roads. Brian kept on joking that he thought that we must be on the wrong roads since we didn’t see a single other bike out on the course! After speaking with one of the other guys that has done the course in the past, he said that nobody dares ride the course before the race since a lot of the course goes along major freeways with lots of traffic... There were a couple of spots where we had to cross 2-3 lanes of traffic, but I have ridden in way worse traffic than that!
We went for a swim on the first day that we were here that worried us both a little. There were waves swelling up over 3 feet at times where I felt a little like a surf board sometimes shooting up the front side of a wave and then crashing down on the other side. Brian and I are both hoping that the waves are nothing like that on race day because we both drank a lot of ocean water and we weren’t moving very fast at all... The last couple of days have been quite calm and nice.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Nexus pass is amazing!
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
The shower is complete!
Friday, October 01, 2010
KidSport board and staff
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Day on the ranges
Thankfully the weather was beautiful and nobody got shot. So far so good. I got a couple of pictures of some troops doing a jump after we closed down the ranges. Not sure how week the pictures turned out, but I attached them anyways.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The power of ebay item titles...
Friday, August 27, 2010
Canadian military slang
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Scum of society...
We had someone break into our garage last night and steal a laptop, GPS, and who knows what else out of our garage. I used to think that we lived in a pretty safe area where we didn’t need to worry about these things, but I guess I was wrong. Thankfully my mountain bike is still there since we are going riding on Thursday :P If only these wankers could put their time towards doing something productive with their lives, we would be a lot better off...
Our garage door opener has been flaking out on us for the last couple of years and I know that the security isn’t great on those old models so I am going to Canadian Tire to buy a new one today... I guess the bathroom reno can wait a few more days.
Friday, July 30, 2010
proven right...
Just like clockwork! This morning while I was picking up some printouts, there were a couple of guys standing around the printer waiting for a big print job to finish. After only 1 hour and 5 minutes of work, the one turned to the other and said "shall we go for a smoke? Should take about that long for this to finish" and the two of them disappeared for 20 minutes… I rest my case.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
smoking... the socially accepted reason to slack off at work!
One of the other guys on the course raised an interesting point while we were both going to get some water this morning. He pointed out that taking up smoking might almost be worth the negative health effects in order to have an excuse to drop all of your work and hang out in the sun and get some fresh air every hour and a half or so. If you think about it, smokers are rarely challenged or criticized for going out to smoke several times a day. It is just an accepted practice that they need to satisfy their addiction. If a non-smoker were to go and stand outside chatting with other non-smokers for 15 minutes every hour and a half he would be called a slacker… if a smoker does it… he's just a smoker…
Monday, July 19, 2010
Every time like it's the first time!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Still stupid, but better....
Friday, July 16, 2010
Home for the next couple of weeks
AOC excess baggage...
I am going to miss my aeroplan elite status....
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
detailed time splits from nationals
So, I just got a copy of the detailed time splits from para track nationals and apparently we lost the race in the last half lap... ouch.... I wonder how the race would have turned out if we were going head to head. It is easy to say that we could have found another 4/10 of a second of effort during the race if we had known, but on the other hand who is to say that they wouldn’t have been able to match it? I guess that we will have to wait until World Championships for the rematch...
I have to hand it to Alex and Daniel, that is some pretty amazing consistency throughout the pursuit. That was a great ride on their part!
Thursday, July 08, 2010
probably just a minority... but I am still shocked
I was just watching CBC news a few minutes ago and there was a news clip where the reporter said that emergency services asked the Montreal fire department to go door-to-door to find people suffering from heat exhaustion in their homes as a preventative measure. The city has set up cooling stations with A/C, water, and medical aid to take in people that do not have a cool place to get out of the 34 degree heat (42 with humidex). Apparently fire fighters have the right to decline preventative services when the temperature goes over 30 degrees and several Montreal fire fighters have exercised this right and declined to help... Of course they coupled this clip with an elderly man who was rescued from his home that was measured at 50 degrees... I understand that it is really hot, but isn’t saving lives a big part of why fire fighters join? Again, I am sure that this is just a small minority of individuals that are refusing to help... but have they no shame?
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
lost by a pedal stroke
So, the track national championship pursuit is behind us and we lost by 4/10 of a second which equates to about one pedal stroke... A bit of a crushing defeat for us, but I guess that we should be happy that it is way above the national standard for selection to worlds (we did around a 4:43 and the standard was 4:48).
Neither Brian or I had great preparation leading up to nationals so I am certain that we will be faster at worlds. Since we are already 5 seconds faster than last year (although the conditions were faster today due to the high heat and humidity) I think that we are going to have a great race and hit the podium again.
We both found it a little odd that the national team coach didn’t say so much as a word to us after coming within 4/10 of a second of the national title, but it is par for the course. I thought that we were starting to gain some ground and that the East vs. West thing was behind us... I guess that I was wrong.
Monday, July 05, 2010
2 days prior to nationals
So, we are now 2 days before the start of Track nationals and there are rumours going around that the schedule may be changed around to fit everything into 1 day. When I saw the schedule originally, I thought that it was a bad idea to split it up between 2 days, but we had our training plan scheduled around a 2 day event.
Apparently the CCA realized that it should have all been done in 1 day and now they want to change the schedule around so that they don’t have to set up and tear down 2 days in a row... No way they would try to pull this on elite nationals.
Speaking of elite nationals, we are now at 7 weeks and counting before elite track nationals and the Bromont track is barely safe to ride below the blue line and definitely not suitable to ride above the blue... should be interesting.
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Training in Bromont
Th bromont track is in pretty rough shape at the moment. Pretty much the bottom couple of feet of the track are the only parts recommended for riding. Some volunteers have replaced the bottom 10-12 inches of the track with new wood and this part is quite nice. I found it a little odd that they didn't go just a few inches higher to get the black line replaced, but I am guessing that this was a conscious decision since it is probably a lot of work to measure out and paint the black line.
Tomorrow is a rest day when I plan to catch up on schol work a little...
Monday, June 28, 2010
life with cats...
I have come to the conclusion that Brian could never live with cats... Quite regularly I will go looking for a small bike part, stack of papers, or pretty much any small item one could think of only to find that it is no longer where I left it. Our cats seem to enjoy playing with random items and dragging them around the house... This morning I stepped on a single brake pad that one of the cats dragged up the stairs to play with. I don’t like my hopes of finding its mate...
Monday, June 21, 2010
Calgary drivers have faith...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Enumclaw stage race
Enumclaw stage race
Enumclaw stage race
Enumclaw stage race
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Fine dining on the ferry
Last night I thought that I had lit 17.50 on fire when I made a reservation for the ferry. I made a reservation last night because the last time I went over, I was the 3rd last car to make it onto the ferry. A little too close for comfort. After paying the money, I was a little choked since you have to arrive at least 30 mins before the ferry leaves in order to claim your reservation. I was thinking that if one were to arrive that early, there would be no need for a reservation because you would be near the front of the line! Man was I wrong....Turns out it was a good idea as the ferry line was full long before I arrived. I would have had to wait for the next one today even though I was there at 620 for the 700 ferry!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Insult to injury...
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Snowing on the 5th of May
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Stage 2 cherry blossom
Talking to the hosts that we are staying with, they seem to think that we finished up around 12-15th (i finished the race with their son) and they said that there wasn't really anyone crossing the line in a group.
Should be interesting to see the reults!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Cherry Blossom Stage 1
There were a couple of hard pushes on the big climbs, but nothing that really split up the pack much. I think that the race finished almost completely together with just a couple of guys that got off the front early in the race. Since there was one member from the biggest teams, there were no concerted efforts to reel them back in...
Tomorrow is another road race, I think around 90 miles followed by crit and ITT on Sunday.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Fwd: Tour of Walla Walls 17 April 2010 YOUR UNOFFICIAL TIME
From: <>
Date: Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 12:16 PM
Subject: Tour of Walla Walls 17 April 2010 YOUR UNOFFICIAL TIME
Bib: 111 SMIBERT, Devon Time: 20:13.11
I iz pack filler...
Friday, April 16, 2010
walla walla day 1
Yesterday was pretty much the 13 hour epic road trip I had expected (including gas and food stops). It was really nice to be welcomed by a very friendly host that was gracious enough to open up her home to me for the weekend. This is a really great thing that some of the races hosted by smaller communities seem to do. The race organizer contacts several members of the community and finds individuals that are willing to host athletes coming into town for the competition. This helps the race organizers to attract some of the bigger teams that are trying to stretch their budgets and helps out poor schmucks like me that are trying to stretch their own budget with limited funding from a team :P
I am really glad that I was able to come down the day before the first stage to give myself time to check in, clean my bike, and take my time to get ready for the race. This is my first solo race in close to 2 years now, so I have to say that I was a little bit wound up last night as I was trying to go to sleep. I guess that this is a good sign, it means that I am excited to get back into the game again J
I picked up my race package this morning and was quite surprised to get hit with a 30USD fee for one-day licenses to race in the US. I guess that this rule has been around for a long time, but it has never been tightly enforced. If an individual from just across the border was coming down to race, most organizers would simply ignore the rule in favour of helping attract more riders. I am going to have to figure out how to get this UCI license out of the CCA as there are a couple of races coming up where they will not offer 1-day licenses and I have already paid my registration... learn something new every day!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Cost savings vs. Hassle...
After chatting with Brian and reflecting on the health issues that I have had in the last couple of weeks following the camp... I think that the monetary cost savings are outweighed by the loss of training that both of us have suffered due to some sort of bug that we both picked up down there (presumably from the food). Training in Tuscon and Florida were both a few hundred dollars more, but in both cases we were ready to resume training after a few days of rest at home... Perhaps a higher class resort may not have had the same issues, but I am a little reluctant to gamble with another few weeks of my health and corresponding training time.
Monday, April 12, 2010
over training + travel stress = sickness
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
BoosterJuice to pass a pee test?
Who needs TV when you can get great entertainment like that by mingling with the unwashed masses?
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Fool's crown
Thursday, March 18, 2010
3 days into cuba training camp
So far the weather has been great. We had a little bit of rain this morning, some cloud yesterday, but most of today and Tuesday were sunny and hot.
Some local riders latched onto the group pretty early and have been showing us the local routes and pushing the pace to see if they can crack a few canucks :P It is really interesting to see the gear that these guys have because apparently there isn't even a bike shop in varadero to buy any cycling stuff even if one has the money... Looks like most of the locals have been gifted cycling kits from Canadians and other riders that come down here for training camps. It is really interesting to see a guy riding tires that are shredded and patched on a carbon fibre frame and then the guy next to him is riding a full steel bike 10-speed (not the 10-speed in the sense that the cassette has 10 cogs, but 5 cogs on the rear... a true 10 speed!) with steel handlebars and no bar tape!
I think that my father would love it down here in Cuba. There are lots of old classic american cars that look like they have been pretty well maintained, the beer and cigarrettes are cheap, and people smoke everywhere! The people are friendly, the food is cheap, and the weather is beautiful year-round. I have to say that I like cuba a lot better than Mexico so far for everything except for the food (but it may be better at nicer hotels). Probably the crowning jewel of Cuba... no loud obnoxious Americans!
Internet runs around 8CAD/hour and is pretty slow, so posts are likely to be a little on the thin side while I am down here. Not to mention that the weather is so nice that I don't particularly feel like sitting inside on a computer during the day!
So far, this is definitely the best training camp I have been on yet and for the price, I think that this might be a good way to get onto more training camps while it is cold and snowy in the winter without upsetting my dear wife by being on the road all year long. I am thinking taht I could probably sell her on a couple of weeks/year at an all inclusive in Cuba or something comparable... :D
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Travel preparations
So, as I am starting to think about getting ready to travel to Cuba for the CCA Para-Cycling training camp on Monday, I thought that I would weigh my bike box to see whether I will be able to travel with it under the charter flight baggage restrictions. About 5 years ago I purchased this really nice hard case that can carry 2 bikes in it so that I could protect my gear and save money by cramming everything into one box. About 2 years later, all of the new baggage restrictions came into play and I was still able to put 2 frames with wheels into the box, but I had to strip cranks, pedals and seats out of the box and put them into my suitcase to meet the weight limits.
Going to Cuba, we are flying a charter flight run by SunWing and apparently we can have 2 bags at a max of 20kg each and one bike weighing a max of 20kg for a fee of 30$ each way. I threw my bike box onto a scale this morning with the padding that I would normally put into the case and it weighs 19kg... My bike weighs 7kg... so, at a cost of 12$/extra KG I could use this bike box for a mere 72$ each way.
Off to Bow cycle to get a cardboard box for free... Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best ones.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
World championships moved again...
So, road worlds will be in Quebec (I am really tired of going to that province) and track worlds are to be held in Nov or Dec at a location to be determined at a later date...
Monday, March 01, 2010
Contintental breakfast?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Last day of the camp
The photo shoot ended up breaking up the ride and most riders stopped for a coffee and then went back to the hotel. Something that I learned last year is that training camps can be great for augmenting one's training, however discipline is required to avoid common trapping that could throw off your training. Earlier this week, we were climbing to the top of Mt. Lemmon and at one point the group started to ride itlike a race. During a training camp like this, it is important to ride the pace that you need to ride even when other are going faster or slower than you need to go.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tan lines..
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
recovery ride before the climb
Today was a pretty easy recovery ride, just over 2 hours on pretty flat terrain. My legs were still a little fatigued from the 5+ hours yesterday, so the rest was welcome.
Tonight we are having some sort of a photo shoot for all CCA athletes that are at the camp. This means that the CCA will stop using that terrible photo that they took of me almost 4 years ago! I am pretty excited about that because I really hate the photo that they have been posting on web sites and using for accreditation at events...
Staying at the new place that is closer to the CCA hotel has really made a difference in allowing me to rest and recover after training. Today I was finally able to get in for a much needed massage. My shoulders and legs were a total mess from going the first 10 days of training without any massage.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
new accommodations and a great ride...
Yesterday I missed the group ride since I was moving my stuff over to the new place, but I did a pretty solid 3.5 hour ride up Mt Lemmon. It is a pretty famous climb among cyclists in North America as it is close to Tucson and it is a pretty steady climb for 25 miles!
Today was a pretty solid ride as well as we clocked just over 5 hours and something like 145km. Between the two rides I burned 6500 calories :) I am hoping that this training camp is going to help me in my efforts to lose some weight and get a little more competitive in the 2010 season.
Friday, February 12, 2010
First IST Session of the camp


The first ones to jump into the garbage cans filled with ice and water were these brave ladies. Bravo! Unfortunately, my swim trunks were a 45 minute drive away so I was unable to participate... darn!
Here is where the contrast comes in... into the hot tub, before hitting the ice bucket again!
Chillin' at the summit
The time passed a lot faster on the ride today since I wasn't out all alone. The 45 minute drive each way will get tiresome very quick though...
First ride with the cca camp
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I heart mountains....
But what a view!
Yes... That is snow
Ride pic 2
Ride pic 1
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
View from mid point
Monday, February 08, 2010
First ride outdoors of 2010!
Yesterday was the first time out on the road for me in 2010. It felt great to be out on the road rather than fixed to a stationary trainer in my dark home theatre room. The day started off as quite cold and wet with some hail in the early afternoon. I chose to stay inside and relax for the first part of the day. Thanks to the wonders of the hour-by-hour forecast, I was pretty confident that things would clear up and I could have a nice ride just before sunset and I was right!
You can see in the photo that I took of myself that my phone is not easy to take photos of yourself with... have to hit the middle of the touch screen, which is not easy while riding! (see shadow in background)
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Cold and rainy in Tucson
So, I landed in Tucson last night for the start of my 2 weeks down here, first on my own and then as part of a Canadian Cycling Association training camp. Thanks to the McD family, I have a great 3 bedroom condo with a car to stay in!
The plan was to come down here to get away from the cold and get some serious base miles in. I went shopping this morning while it was cold and raining hoping to wait out the rain before riding. Came back, started putting the bike together and it started hailing! I am happy to see that I am nearly 20C warmer than Calgary, but shouldn’t it be a little warmer here than in Victoria!?!
Rain is supposed to break at 4 and then I’ll hit the road...
Friday, February 05, 2010
Devon's Fire Sale!
In an attempt to make some room in the house and to fund by 2010 cycling season, I am clearing out some of my older gear. For anyone that is interested, please e-mail me and I will combine items and discount (ie, if you want the TT frame with SRM and carbone wheels...)
SRM Power meter dura ace pro 175mm cranks PCV (wired) – $1500 (Used, but like new condition)
Zipp 808 tubular USED (incl tire) - $650
Zipp 808 tubular NEW (incl tire) - $850
2005 Giant TCR Composite Time Trial bike (Large Frame 58cm) $1500 (paid 6k with wheels 3 years ago)
(no wheels, but could include wheels for $)
all DA components (less cranks),
ceramic pulleys and BB
same frame as
minor scratches from travel, never crashed
nokon cable housing
Giant TCR advanced road bike (Large frame 55.5 compact frame like 58cm) $2500 (MSRP frame only, no components over 3000usd)
(no wheels, but could include wheels for $)
Full DA components (less cranks)
Ceramic pulleys and BB
Frame is brand new from warranty only a few hundred KM on the frame
nokon cable housing
Guru 60cm track bike w/Miche chain rings $600
(no wheels, but could include wheels for $)
Zipp 202 rear only ~300km on wheel shimano hub - $650 (MSRP over $1100)
Mavic cosmic carbone wheel set USED $1000
Zipp Vuka aero bars new in the box - $850 (MSRP 1200USD)
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Blog resurrection!
So... as my lovely wife as pointed out, this will be my third attempt at maintaining a blog. All of you who know me personally, know that I am not terribly good at keeping in touch with friends and family, but everyone keeps asking what is going on with my racing so... third time’s the charm, right?
Who knows... maybe now that I have a shiny Palm Pre to post things easier this one might work. Only time will tell!
Time to put in some quality time with my stationary trainer!